Many of us have aging parents that we worry about, and that depend on us for many things: Companionship, love, support, assistance, etc. Unfortunately, with having lives of our own that involve kids, work, hobbies, etc, we cannot be there all the time for them. The vast majority of these parents are mothers due to the fact that women tend to live monger than men.

One solution that many people- kids and parents alike- have to the challenge of lonliness is to get the elderly a dog for company, and to bark at the door when strangers appear. Common breeds for our aged mothers would be:
Toy Poodles, Yorkshire Terrier, Beagles, Bichon Frise, Chihuahuas, Cocker Spaniels, and similar small dogs.
How many of us would have the following conversation with our 75 year old mother:
"Mom, I know you spend alot of time alone, and you get lonely becasue I can't visit, and brinig the kids by as often as we would both like. So, I bought you a pit bull to keep you company."

Many of you are re-reading the sentence again trying to decide if I am joking, or just plain sick in the ehad for suggesting that we give our elderly mothers a pit bull to keep them company. Let me assure you that neither case is true. I am not joking, and I am completely serious. I am recommending that we get out parents a pit bull to get them through their most physically and medicaly fragile time. While I know that pit bulls are viscious creatures who are known to attack people without provocation, and without warning, and that they bite and kill more people than any other breed of dog, and that they should be banned to make the world safe... I also know that all of the statements I just made were complete and total garbage.

As you poke around my little site, please keep in mind that I am the very proud owner of an American Pit Bull Terrier who absolutely adores my kids, and who has only ever barked at one living soul... me. I am not some moron who is rabble rousing just to get his rocks off. I know what it is I am talking about.